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Student-Athletes Should Understand There Is No Such Thing As A Free Ride

Recruiting Free RideA College Scholarship Is Not Free

One of the funny things about college athletic scholarships is that most people think student-athletes are going to university completely free. They don’t take into account all the time and resources put into training for that sport over the years. And that doesn’t even take into account the costs that can come with trying to get recruited.

Academic Eligibility

Whether you are signing up with the NCAA or the NAIA there are registration fees associated with their sign ups. Depending on where you live the cost can range from $65 to $95.

To prove your eligibility you’ll also have to take a series of standardized tests: SAT, ACT, or TOEFL, which all come with their own registration fees. If you choose to take a class to study for any of these tests those can be pricey as well.

Camps, Tournaments, and Showcases

Many student-athletes find it helpful to get coaches to notice them by being places they know coaches will be. Admission to these places comes with a price! Depending on if any of these venues are local or not you can have hundreds of dollars in travel and lodging costs before you even pay for the event.

Camps are usually the best places to get noticed, but they can be expensive and you will want to make sure that you take the opportunity to make yourself standout by being coachable, athletic and a team player.

Recruiting Services

Another thing that many student-athletes and their families find helpful are recruiting services. In most cases if you pick a service that is right for you, this can give you the edge you need to get maximum exposure. But these services do not come cheap. You get what you pay for, so don’t think that if you are using a service that charges quite a bit less than others that you are getting the same level of help or services.

Unofficial Visits

We strongly advise that you visit as many campuses as you can before narrowing down your pick of schools you want to attend. An unofficial visit is any visit to a college campus that is paid for by the athlete or their family.

When going to these schools you will want to take campus tours, go to sporting events, see the surrounding town and stay for a day or two. This could get expensive depending on how far the school is away from your home. Even though there are costs associated with this type of visit the information you gain from the visit can be priceless. You don’t want to choose a school that you’ve never seen before.

Make a Budget

When starting your recruiting process you will want to make a budget to see what you are able to afford to do and to make sure that you are not hit with any hidden fees you weren’t aware of. This can be a very overwhelming experience so make sure you do your research, not only on the schools themselves but the process of recruiting and what you should expect along the way.

If you have any questions or comments about costs associated with the college sports recruiting process please use the comments section below or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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